Title IX legislation was originally meant to protect students and employees from discrimination based on sex. In the past decade, it has been expanded to protect students from sexual assault.
Sexual discrimination and harassment can have significant impacts on students’ performance. It can deny them access to education, the ability to participate in daily college life, affect their comfort, and more so their safety.
Title IX gives educational institutions the responsibility to investigate complaints of sexual violence or discrimination..
Here is everything you need to know about Title IX in order to protect yourself and others.

1. In case of discrimination, you should file a complaint with the OCR within 180 days
Note that Title IX prohibits the discrimination of students in an institution. If you are denied these rights, you are required to file a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights within 180 days of the incident. If you find yourself in a situation where you are discriminated against based on your sexual orientation, you can also report to your school for a Title IX investigation to be initiated. You can then proceed to file a complaint with the OCR after completing your institution’s grievance process.
2. Title IX is applicable for both sexual harassment and violence
Title IX covers all forms of sexual harassment. Note that sexual violence is also a form of sexual harassment. If you find yourself in situations where sexual acts are perpetrated without your consent, you are allowed to file a complaint. Also, remember that this covers verbal and non-verbal requests for sexual favors and unwelcome sexual advances.
Title IX also covers sex discrimination. This means that if you are stereotyped or denied certain institutional rights due to your gender, you are allowed to file a complaint.
3. Title IX covers all type of students
If you are a student and a victim of sexual harassment, do not shy away from filing a complaint. Title IX covers all types of students. You do not have to be a citizen. The legislation applies to both foreign and native students. Therefore, if you are a visiting, international, or prospective student, you can file a complaint. Also, the law applies to students of all sexes. Some private schools may not be under Title IX if they do not receive federal funding. However, most private schools do receive some form of federal funding, and thus are under Title IX.
4. Schools are obligated to stop sexual harassment
Educational institutions are bound by Title IX to stop any manner of sexual harassment. This means that they are supposed to investigate complaints, prohibit sexual discrimination, and provide resolution for such incidents.