Back in my teens, I used to look at the beautiful hourglass figures of women of the Victorian era and gawk at the powerful femininity it accentuated.
Ironically, today the small waist and thick hips are back in demand due to iconic personalities like the Kardashian sisters and Nicki Minaj.
Scroll through Instagram and its clear – women across the world strive to achieve the sexy hourglass body shape and for a lot of us, it’s a look that is achievable with some training and dedication.
As someone who enjoys the curvaceous look myself, here are 5 benefits I found from wearing a waist trainer.
1. Gorgeous curves
Like me, many women start waist training because they want that desired hourglass figure. There is something extra feminine and sexy about accentuating the curves of your hips and bust.
I started waist training about 15 years ago and I frequently get comments from other women (and my husband) on how desirable my curves are.
Do it correctly and safely and you can see results within a couple of weeks. If waist training is too extreme for you, you can use a corset only for special events under your dress or clothes and it will also make a noticeably positive impact to your look.
2. Improves posture
I don’t believe it’s physically possible to wear a waist trainer and slouch, certainly not in my case. Once it’s on, my back is straight and I am standing tall.
Forget all the fancy, expensive (and from what I hear, useless) technological devices that promise to keep your back straight all day. If you want to sit and stand straight, waist trainers are the way to go.
This is because they provide support to your back, improving your position.
I noticed 2 dramatic changes to my overall posture: the first, even without a waist trainer on, I started to sit up straight throughout the day. The second was an overall reduction of shoulder and back pain, which prevented further slouching.

3. Postpartum tightening
Like many women, I too suffered both emotionally and physically from the outcomes of giving birth. One of the issues that contributed most to my postpartum depression was the changes to my body, and particularly to my once-flat tummy.
Once I got the go-ahead from my doctor, I went back to using my waist trainer. It gave me the support I needed for the post-partum flabbiness, and it really seemed to speed up the healing process on my abdomen.
I may not be back to my pre-mommy body, but it sure is helping with the process.
4. Weight control
Wearing a waist trainer helps you lose weight by making it very difficult to consume a lot of food and fizzy sodas.
Wear it and you will learn to restrict yourself in terms of portion size and food choices. Don’t be confused, the waist trainer itself is not a miracle worker – it will not make you lose fat.
What does happen is that you’ll find yourself eating healthier portions and options to avoid the discomfort of bloating while wearing the corset.

5. Increases confidence
For all the reasons stated above, my confidence has skyrocketed. I stand taller, I look better, I lost weight, and I even learned to naturally tuck in my stomach even when I’m not wearing the waist trainer.
Dresses and clothes look so much better on me than they did before. I enjoy looking at myself in the mirror and trying on new clothes.
These are things that I don’t take for granted as a previously unconfident teen. I give a lot of credit to waist training for helping me feel happier in my skin.
Disclaimer: This article is meant to provide general information. For advice related to your specific situation, please consult a health professional.