Prom is one of those unique events in a girl’s life to be always remembered and it should be for all the right reasons. As things lead up to the big day, many mistakes can be made, so this article aims to forewarn you so you can avoid any mishaps.
There is good reason to this… I actually had a prom fiasco of my own, which I wrote about here. Let’s just say that my prom dress burst open on the dance floor. :/ Yes. That happened. And yes, I remain traumatized.
There are probably a million and one things on your mind, from hair to makeup, shoes to transportation. So let’s discuss some things that could easily go wrong so you can plan ahead and make your big night run smoothly.
So ladies, when planning for your prom, here are some common mistakes you want to stay away from:
1) Too much glitz and sparkle – some girls want to go all out on the sparkle front because they feel like: why not! But this could be a huge mistake. Apart from looking garish and slightly tacky, it can also detract from you, the stunning person wearing the dress. If you do want to sparkle it up, make sure you choose accessories and shoes that are neutral and more subtle to tone things down a bit.
2) Show off skin but not too much – cut-outs and midis are cute but any dress that shows too much skin is always a bad idea. You want to look classy on this important day and not wince when you look back on all of the photos floating around on social media that will be there for years to come. And you certainly DON’T want to go viral for all the wrong reasons!
3) Too formal or informal –it’s hard to get a good balance between being dressy but not too dressy. Think about what some of your friends and classmates are wearing as you don’t want to stick out like a sore thumb. To commence your search why not start by checking out some dresses at
4) Do keep a close eye on your hairdresser – do not leave your hairdresser to their own devices, no matter how much you trust them! They will have their own vision in mind but it’s important to lay down the law on what you want from the outset. If you don’t, you will quickly find things spiraling out of control. So go to the salon with some examples on your phone of what you are looking for so they know exactly what to do with your hair.
5) Wear shoes you won’t regret wearing – this can be a hard one. Often, once you fall in love with a pair of shoes, which are often high and extremely uncomfortable, there is little anyone can say to talk you out of buying them. However, you want to have a fun night and dancing with your friends to your favourite songs will be a big part of that. If your shoes are too high you might not be able to let loose as much as you normally would. You could always wear the killer heels to make an entrance but if you do, ensure you always bring a pair of comfy alternatives with you!

Or get these! They are life-savers.
6) Don’t feel like you have to take a date- proms can be a magnet for lots of peer pressure. All your friends are taking their boyfriends and girlfriends and you don’t want to feel like the third wheel. However, taking a date just for the sake of it can lead to a really dull night full of awkward conversations. Just find your single friends and make sure you always know where each other are so you will never be alone for too long.
7) Being close-minded – this one is a bit less obvious but so important. Being open to new ideas can turn your prom into a night that exceeds your expectations. By not being set on your dress, hairstyle, and accessories, you will be able to get the fresh perspectives of others who might be able to introduce you to styles that work really well for you.
8) Booking your appointments too late – checking out for prom dresses prices or doing an eyebrow wax the last minutewill leave you feeling flustered and panicked. Make sure you book things well in advance of your prom night to minimise the risk of things going wrong or even worse, not being able to get an appointment at all!
If you take these tips on board, you can avoid some of the most common pitfalls girls make when they prepare for their prom. You want to make this night one to remember, so make sure you do all of the above and everything will work out just fine!