For those of you who don’t know, I’m crazy about exercising. I go to the gym 6 times a week (okay, okay 5… I get lazy on the 6th day).
Usually I go in boring, old t-shirts that make me look like a sack of potatoes. Everyone must think I’m all lumpy underneath that half-bothered tee… but that is now left in the past!!
I have discovered the epitome in workout gear that is sure to get all the guys amused by my awesome personality. Well, the geeky/nerdy guys anyway…
See, the thing is that I live in a place where the super-hot guys also happen to be engineers, doctors or software developers. They are generally brilliant: it’s the best of both worlds. So I get a man who cares about his health & fitness, can hold a conversation on quantum physics, and yet will enjoy Rick and Morty cartoons (ah, the dream).
Anyway, point being, I wouldn’t mind a little ‘positive attention’ at the gym, instead of being ignored in my usual sack-o-potatoes look.
And that’s where these cool shirts come in. Gentlemen, line up to converse with me! 🙂
(Click on the image to make it to it’s original source & maybe even buy!)
Which is your favorite? Tell us below!